Sunday, November 25, 2007

Birdy... R.I.P

Today was an emotional day in the life of Cade... Not only was it to windy to swim at the beach, but "birdy" passed away. I was walking along the path at Toni and Jaron's place when i stumbled across birdy. He was my favourite bird in the whole wide world, and i only got to spend a few beautiful hours with him before he went to a better place...
This is the enclosure Oscar and I made for him...

Digging the grave, losing him made me feel as if i was in Vietnam, digging a grave for my best friend...

The message which was on his tomb wood.
One last kiss, goodbye my friend.
All in a days work...

Goodbye my friend, R.I.P. Forever loved, never forgotten.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Its Over...

After one hectic year, and two gruelling weeks, my exams are done! I had maths applied, english communications and biology (today). All and all i think i did ok, glad its over and i can get on with my two new careers... toms log homes and cabins, and professional blogger. Here are some happy snaps i got mum to take of me just to show the jubilation...
He came...
He studied...
He studied some more (with a close up view)....


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hello Hello, and Welcome!

Its always been a lifelong goal of mine to be a 'blogger'. I aspire to have such powerful and riveting material as my sisters, Toni Coward and Carli Jeffrey, my blogger inspirations. For those who will be accessing my blog on a regular basis, welcome. First and formost I would like to introduce myself. I am Cade Lester Triffitt (aka Brad Pitt). I am the son of Anne and Tyrone, brother of Tye, Philipa, Tony and Carlee. We all get along pretty well... Below is a picture of me.
I enjoy Football... And also pictures holding footballs.
This is my family... minus me of coarse. Think Ty is just behind Dads head, shady little character that one.

Well now that you know the basics, you will most certainly be a regular responder to my blogs. For any fans out there, comments would be lovely, but try not to exceed the 10 a day limit. Thank you and see you at my next post.
Say Hi to your mum for me....