Saturday, December 8, 2007

And the Best Uncle Award Goes to....

Oscar and I have lots of fun. I like to call him mini me, because we are best freinds and he does things i do. Example...

Im very proud and honoured to be recognised by my peers as the best uncle, its a title i don't take lightly. I have had many sleepless nights thinking of ways i can better myself in entertaining children. Let me tell you, it can be very difficult. I teach him to say things like "what a bargain" and "hey man", to which we have added the hand symbol below.
By having fun i am also teaching mini me to say no to drugs. As you can see in the picture below my hand is in the shape of a bong, to which everyone can associate the use of cannibis and other illegal drugs. You can see by the look on Little O's face that he does not approve and is astounded with such insanity.

And you ask yoursleves, "why should Cade Lester Triffitt of Quinlan Cres be voted best uncle?".

Need i say more?
Say Hi to your mum for me...


Carli said...

who officially nominated you? I would like to hear a bit more about your 'say no to drugs' program before I can officially vote for you (you CRACK me up (HA HA!)

The Kings said...

Very funny Cade!