The Ocean: A vast expanse of seas, home to some of the deadliest, most horrifying creatures known to man. Gigantic Sting Rays with piercing barbs able to rip out a mans soul (eg Steve Irvin, personal hero). Carnivorous sharks which move with such grace and ease under water, but with a sudden explosion of speed, you just lost yourself a toddler. There is an old myth that sharks are just as scared of humans as humans are of sharks. How far this is from the 'real' truth.
When Tom(Destination Unknown) Triffitt
James(I drink blood) Sayers
Paul(If it moves, kill it) Scicluna
and Cade(Dead Meat) Triffitt
take the water, sharks are not afraid of them, they are more or less petrified.
The sharks on the East Coast of Tasmania during the days of Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of January called an anual strike from the water becuase they heard the boys were in town. Most of them spent their evenings doing cross-stitch and building themselves their own underwater cramation centre, just incase.
As i mentioned in my last blog, I have the uncanny ability of detecting shark language. We were cruising along ontop of the water when i heard a very faint "Help, Help!". As the sounds grew nearer, I had an outburst. "Stop, stop the boat!" I dove, Geronimo! Just underneath me i found a cray pot, with two small Draughtboard Sharks. "Oh crap", I heard one say as it realised who was coming to save it. "Have no fear, and be of good cheer. For I, Cade, have come to save you from your perious times". As i saved these beautfiul creatures, only one came back to thank me for my courage, just like the selfish leppers. I told him to go, get his buddie to come unto me. When they did so, I put a spear through each of their heads to teach them a lesson in life.
What a Thrill!